I’m Not Dumbfounded But Thankfully I’ve Never Been Interviewed By Jeff Ireland ……………..

I’m Not Dumbfounded But Thankfully I’ve Never Been Interviewed By Jeff Ireland ……………..

Well the NFL Draft has come and gone and a great many fans out there are either satisfied or completely satisfied with the choices made by their team . Now if your a Miami Dolphins’ fan I’m not about to offer my condolences on the fact that you have a dip-shit as a GM in Jeff Ireland . What this guy brings to the table God only knows . But one way or another Team President Head Of Football Operations Bill Parcells may have seen something positive in this dick-wad ?


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One can only surmise what chief general partner and principal owner Stephen M. Ross must now be thinking after inexcusable behavior of Ireland in his interview of rookie Dez Bryant out of Oklahoma State ? The player would end up being drafted by the Dallas Cowboys as the 24th pick overall in the first round of the NFL Draft . Front office asides is there now any common sense within the Dolphins’ organization ? Even with its smorgasbord of big named celebrities and sports stars amongst the owners of the team. The ominous stench now set forth by this shebang can only allude the fact that Ireland seems to have forgotten that Gloria and Emilio Estefan , as as well as Serena and Venus Williams are high profiled minorities who are well known within the community. And as minority stakeholders in the team they ought to be offered an apology for his utterly inappropriate remarks.

Courtesy of CBS News

Dolphins GM Jeff Ireland Sorry for Dez Bryant Mom-Hooker Question

By Sean Alfano of CBS News

Miami Dolphins GM Jeff Ireland is saying sorry to wide receiver Dez Bryant, but he might consider adding a thank you for not having his lights punched out last month.

During pre-draft interviews where, according to Yahoo Sports blogger Mike Silver, front-office talent mavens probe potential picks with sometimes mind-boggling questions, Ireland asked Bryant if his mother had ever been a prostitute.

Bryant, not shockingly, was offended by the comment and reportedly responded with a curt, “No.”

Realizing his faux pas (after the question became public, of course), Ireland issued this statement:

“My job is to find out as much information as possible about a player that I’m consider drafting. Sometimes that leads to asking in-depth questions.

“Having said that, I talked to Dez Bryant and told him I used poor judgment in one of the questions I asked him. I certainly meant no disrespect and apologized to him.

“I appreciate his acceptance of that apology and I told him I wished him well as he embarks on his NFL career.”

The Cowboys grabbed Bryant, a standout wide receiver at Oklahoma State, with the 24th overall pick last week. He missed most of his final season at Oklahoma State because he lied to the NCAA about a meeting he had with Deion Sanders.

Maybe Ireland thinks most liars are the spawn of prostitute moms.

According to Silver, some other questions posed to players include the kind of underwear they play in (G-string or jock strap), asking a Rhodes Scholar (Myron Rolle, Florida State) how he felt deserting his team for England and whether a white running back (Toby Gerhart, Stanford) felt “entitled” because of his race.

Is the famed Wunderlic test no longer the best interrogation tool?

In any case, Ireland may want to call in sick Sept. 2 and skip Miami’s preseason game at Dallas.


Ireland in an initial interview that took place at Land Shark/Sun Life Stadium , home to the team . The general manager asked the player a rather sensitive and impertinent question ! That question being ………….” is your mother a prostitute” ? What this question has to do with Bryant’s psyche or talents as a potential hiree of the team, has about as much relevance as the color of the sun might be to a blind man. But somehow this jackass thought it relevant ? What Bryant may well have thought about the question when it was first posed to him , we shall never know.

Ireland having offered a profound apology to the player, it would appear that he doesn’t believe it also involves offering one also the Dez Bryant’s mother. But somehow this will be all glossed over as nothing more than an impromptu and rather blase’ off the cuff remark ! Had this been an “African American NFL executive” asking this of a Caucasian prospect . One wonders what the firestorm created might be ? Never mind the fact that this could have been viewed as “Ireland being racially insensitive” apart from showing obviously poor judgment and utter stupidity on his part .

No public statement has been made by Parcells or anyone else within the Dolphins’ front office on the matter. And NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell , given his stance on how he views the image of the NFL . It appears somewhat absurd that he has said nothing at all on the matter. I guess he either suborns this sort of stupidity or when he’s ready he’ll take center stage and make a rather innocuous statement regarding the matter. Given his take and how less than forthright initially he had been concerning the “Ben Roethlisberger Affair” . One wonders whether or not Goodell actually gives a damn as how women are perceived by his members ?

And for the Dolphins coming off their rather disastrous 7-9 season within the AFC East in 2009. Failing to make the playoffs having won the division in 2008 , the team merely regressed rather than moving forward.
For coach Tony Sparano and his coaching staff , this upcoming season won’t just be about assessing the young rookie prospects brought in by the club but also about the pickups made via free agency and whether the departures from the club were the right decisions made by him and his staff.

Chad Henne is now entrusted as the “signal caller” for the team at the quarterback position . And with his namesake Chad Pennington once again having to overcome another injury. One had better hope that Henne is up to the challenge of leading this team . Oh by the way Sportschump , I think I ought to remind you that Henne’s thoughts on Tim Tebow , is that he’s not an NFL ready quarterback , much less ready to even wear a protective cup. I hope you don’t take that to heart but those words can be attributed to Henne ! The team also acquired restrictive free agent Brandon Marshall via trade from the Denver Broncos . As to whether not this receiving corps immediately becomes better remains to be seen.

If the club has an “Achilles’ heel” then it must be on the defensive side of things. They’ve been an inconsistent mess . And not even with former defensive end Jason Taylor no longer with the team, having signed with the New York Jets . The preseason and regular season will tell us a great deal about this team , the organization in general and the direction that it is going in. And while there’s no doubt that Bill Parcells’ imprints are all over the team in terms of the assembly of the roster. You get the impression that while Parcells now oversees the day to operations of the club. It is now being left to Jeff Ireland to deal with the personnel .and now to make the prudent decisions.

Do you get the impression that had Dez Bryant been chosen by the Dolphins , his mother might be in for a torrid time courtesy of Jeff Ireland ? As the saying goes ……..”once you’ve had black you never go back”. Thankfully, that won’t be the case for Dez Bryant but he’ll now have to deal with Jerry Jones ? I guess you can’t win ’em all !



Picture gallery .

What thoughts if any do you have with regard to the behavior shown by Dolphins’ GM Jeff Ireland and how do you see the team’s upcoming season progressing within the AFC East ? As and when ready I’ll look forward to reading your comments and responding accordingly. And once again thanks always for the continued support as it’s greatly appreciated !

NB Click here for information pertaining to the 2010 NFL Draft .

Click here to view the Dolphin’ draft choices .

Alan Parkins aka tophatal ………………….

Elton John ………“Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word”


Rosa  Acosta
There's a need to tap this fine a_s belonging to Rosa Acosta

Author: tophatal ...........

An avid sports' fans that's all !!!!!

15 thoughts on “I’m Not Dumbfounded But Thankfully I’ve Never Been Interviewed By Jeff Ireland ……………..”

  1. Guys

    It appears that questions such as the one posed by Jeff Ireland will now become mandatory for all future rookie prospects.

    Here are other questions that could well be posed at some time in the future by NFL executives .

    1) Does your Mom love oral sex and does she willingly put out ?

    2) When her partner ejaculates is she prepared to swallow the ejaculate

    3) What are her thoughts on anal sex ?

    4) Which style does she prefer missionary or doggy style ?

    5) Does she like girl on girl action as well ?

    6) Is she into threesomes ?

    7) Does she like her genitalia to be bitten ?

    8 – *) Is she willing to have sex with a ram or dog ?

    9) Has she ever uttered the words “………..aye Papi or Oh God give it to me harder ” during sex ?

    10) Does she like double penetration at the same time ?

    Is there a chance that any of these questions might one day find their way unto the Wonderlic test ?

    You’d have thought that an idiot such as Ireland would’ve figured that the question was inappropriate to begin with ? And even having apologized to the player he hasn’t even had the temerity to offer an apology directly to the player’s mother !

    And that numbnut known as Roger Goodell hasn’t a god-damn thing to say about the matter. If anything that one act was just as egregious as Roethlisberger’s behavior. For that he gets a 6 game suspension . But thus far all Ireland has received is absolutely nothing. Not even a reprimand for the Dolphins much less the commissioner’s office . How f_cked up is that ?

    People don’t seem to understand I’m under a great deal of pressure . I’m not gettin’ any at home , I peak in the guys’ showers to get a peek at their shlongs. It turns me on but there’s nothing better than the sweet smelling piece of feminine va-jay-jay ! And all I want is some va-jay-jay ! I’m willing to pay for it if the price is right !

    Alan Parkins


  2. Hah! Good example of executive power and sense… So…Pope Roger hasn’t said anything? Figures….he has also not done anything about Colts’ Foster….Both cases the people insulted or assaulted were sober and in control of all their faculties…..Ben deserved some of what he got….but then so do the others mentioned here.


    1. al clements

      Roger the “Artful Dodger” is too busy playing with his balls and scratching them at the same time. Once he’s done doin’ that, he’ll then try to see if he can insert his own pe_is into his a_s for good measure .

      “I’m sorry I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I could incriminate myself and land in a great deal of trouble with the wife”.

      ” But Commissioner Goodell all we’re asking is does your wife give good head ” ?

      How the hell can he not make a public statement condemning Ireland’s actions ? But low and behold NFLPA Exec Director DeMaurice Smith has come out condemning Jeff Ireland . The shameful thing is no one within the Dolphins’ front office has followed suit . Not even either of the Williams’ sisters and they’re minority stakeholders in the team .

      And Bill Parcells has remained ominously silent . So what the hell does that tell you to begin with ? He obviously suborns Ireland’s behavior !

      Had this been an African American NFL executive that’d done this there’d have been hell to pay from all quarters !

      On the local ESPN radio affiliate out of Orlando there was some as_hole trying to suggest that this was nothing out of the ordinary for an NFL executive to be asking as a question. That guy was obviously out of his f__cking mind at the time. Either that or he’s a “closeted Klan member !

      Alan Parkins


  3. It’s definitely something I’ve never been asked during an interview for a job. It’s inexcusable that the Fins haven’t done any disciplinary action yet. After watching Run Ricky Run, I hope the Dolphins do well! Regardless of what mental issues he deals with, I will root for him!


    1. chappy

      Someone ask me that sort of question during a job interview ? And I can assure you that person would either be picking up his teeth off the floor or he’d have swallowed them after I’d beaten their a_s to a pulp !

      You’s my bit_h now !

      As for Ricky I can’t condemn the guy but at the same time he went about things the wrong way concerning his problems. I guess though Ditka was ever so happy that they didn’t go through with an actual honeymoon ? I wonder who’d have been the female in that relationship ?

      “I’m afraid coach Ditka can’t speak at the moment as we’ve been spoonin’ each other underneath a coconut tree”. “Yes I , I an I a feel good “! Mike Ditka under the influence of the wacky ‘erb. What a sight for sore eyes, a former NFL coach doin’ weed.

      How the f_ck can Goodell stay silent on this matter while “suspending” Roethlisberger and seemingly doing nothing about the Colts’ DE Foster and his alleged actions ? And in the case of Foster it’s not the first time he’s been involved in such an incident .

      Alan Parkins


    1. aero

      We’re talking about the Dolphins here. A few years down in the dumps. Parcells brings in Sparano and they have a couple of good seasons courtesy of the “wild-cat offense”. Now they’re back down in the dumps. And their front office decision making resembles that of the Clippers Raiders and Redskins combined . Never mind the stupidity shown by Jeff Ireland !

      “It’ll be part of the NFL’s future policy to establish whether or not the mothers of future NFL rookies have had multiple sex partners . That way it’ll assist us in organizing our Christmas office party . Escorts are far too expensive at the moment . It must be something to do with the economy I guess? Every body wins that way ” !

      What might be even more exacerbating is the fact that Goodell has remained ominously silent. It has taken Exec Director DeMaurice Smith of the NFLPA (union) to actually say something concerning the matter. Never mind that he of all people has done little to address the situation when his members fall afoul of the law for all of the wrong reasons ………. allegations of sexual battery , spousal abuse , illicit drug use and a slew of of other serious felonies.

      Alan Parkins


  4. Al… it’s probably a good thing for Ireland that he never asked you that question.

    That’s a pay-per-view event I wouldn’t mind watching.

    Probably wouldn’t go longer than one round though so I’d make sure to get there on time.


    1. Chris Humpherys

      Let’s put it this way there’d be a new orifice for Ireland to breathe out of. Never mind the fact that I’d then let a couple of the brothers in prison take care of ” his white ripe cherry a_s ” ! That’s another orifice that’d be ripped wide open through wear and tear ! LOL,LOL,LOL !!! Ouch ! My sentiments exactly !

      Shawshank Redemption ……..”ain’t you gonna scream” ?

      Jeff Ireland ain’t no Andy Dufresne but I sure bet his pucker and prostate will never feel the same again should “the brothers” ever get a-hold of white ripe cherry a_s ! ” Take this _ick and swallow boy “ ! ” ” I don’t swallow but I do love to suck a #_ck ” ! Ireland paraphrasing the Dufresne character .

      Alan Parkins


  5. Just want to say what a great blog you got here!
    I’ve been around for quite a lot of time, but finally decided to show my appreciation of your work!

    Thumbs up, and keep it going!

    Christian, iwspo.net


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