Stick with it, or move on

Stick with it, or move on

By Tophatal

With the NFL season coming to an exciting end with Superbowl XLVII (Superbowl 47) , and the triumph of the Baltimore Ravens over the San Francisco 49ers . It has to be said, that this off-season could be just as climactic and riveting as much of the postseason just happened to be . Teams are now looking shed players they believe to be superfluous to their needs , with many of the individuals either being seasoned veterans or overpriced stars .

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Now there is no denying , that there will be a major fallout this all , as teams will either seek to re-sign the very same players they let go , and simply move on ahead, by making use of the upcoming NFL Draft . The draft order for the majority of the teams in the NFL were decided by where they finished within the league and by way of the postseason . With the Kansas City Chiefs (2-14) finishing at the bottom of the ladder amongst the NFL’s 32 teams , it will certainly be interesting in seeing not only recently installed head coach, Andy Reid , his coaching staff overseeing this draft with another first time GM , John Dorsey .

Courtesy of

2013 NFL Draft order: Kansas City Chiefs own No. 1 pick

The Kansas City Chiefs own the No. 1 pick of the 2013 NFL Draft, which will be held on April 25-27.

The NFL draft will kick off in primetime for the fourth consecutive year. The first round will be held on Thursday, April 25. The second and third rounds are set for Friday, April 26. Rounds four through seven will be held on Saturday, April 27.

The draft order is determined by the following procedures:

(A) The winner of the Super Bowl will select last and the other Super Bowl participant next-to-last, regardless of their regular-season record.

(B) The conference championship game participants not advancing to the Super Bowl will select picks No. 29 through 30, according to the reverse order of their standing.

(C) The divisional playoff participants not advancing to the championship games will select picks No. 25 through 28, according to the reverse order of their standing.

(D) The wild-card participants not advancing to the divisional playoffs will select picks No. 21 through 24, according to the reverse order of their standing.

(E) Non-playoff clubs will select No. 1 through 20, according to the reverse order of their standing.

If ties exist in any grouping except (A) above, they will be broken by strength of schedule (i.e., figuring the aggregate won-lost-tied percentage of each involved club's regular-season opponents and awarding preferential selection order to the club which faced the schedule of teams with the lowest aggregate won-lost-tied percentage).

If ties still exist after applying the strength of schedule tiebreaker, the divisional or conference tie-breakers are applied, if applicable. If the divisional or conference tie-breakers are not applicable, ties will be broken by a coin flip.

Click on link to read in full .


The primary needs for the Chiefs undoubtedly will be on their defense and quite obviously with the vapid and under-achieving performances of Matt Cassel and Brady Quinn , which literally sank the hopes of the franchise over the course of the season . Given the mediocrity, witnessed by fans, in seeing the Chiefs literally fall apart under then head coach Romeo Crennel , was to witness a team without leadership , zeal and passion , all of which did not go unnoticed by the team’s owner , Clark Hunt .

History has suggested that the Kansas City Chiefs have had a modicum of success with their draft history , but it has become abundantly clear after last season’s failing , something drastic had to be done. The firing of both Romeo Crennel and Dorsey’s predecessor , Scott Pioli , was only the first of the major upheavals , that Clark Hunt decided , that major changes would be needed , if the fortunes of this once proud franchise was to be turned around. With a payroll of $128, 051,400, the franchise may well seek to remain over the league’s salary cap, or start to pare down that figure. Beyond that , several issues also must be addressed , with regard to the team’s offense which was amongst one of the least productive in the NFL , in terms of points scored(211), beyond points’ differential , which played a large part into the numerous reasons why the team was so ineffective all-round, and ranked the offense at near bottom overall of the NFL’s 32 teams . Something that I believe, will be addressed by offensive coordinator Doug Pedersen , during the off-season , with his assessing the playing staff and by way of the upcoming draft. And with a number of analysts invariably making their own prognostication as to who will be taken number one overall , it could very well come down to what John Dorsey and Andy Reid believes will be in the best interests of the franchise overall . With their being a propensity to the choice of quarterback , Geno Smith , being taken as the number one overall pick on a number of draft boards of several analysts . The conjecture and speculation will continue as to the decision that will be made by the Chiefs’ front office , between now and the opening rounds of the NFL Draft.

As to the Chiefs quite possibly making Geno Smith their first choice in the NFL Draft, as acute as the team’s pass offense just happens to be , I believe it would be in their best interest to simply seek to bolster their defense , and then look to make a pick for a quarterback in the second or third round of the draft !

The changes first and foremost that undoubtedly will be made could come by way of the Chiefs addressing also their cap hit , wherein they may well seek to cut certain players , or simply look at various ways of restructuring their contracts to make them a great deal more “cap friendly” . From my own perspective, I believe that Andy Reid can turn things around for the Chiefs’ franchise , given his track record in Philadelphia , with the Philadelphia Eagles . The problem may well be , how patient or impatient are the fans in Kansas City , Missouri , in wanting to see a quick turnaround and almost immediate success ?

As a Florida resident , albeit , that I have lived in various parts of the country , this is now where I call my home . An expat Brit , who has become accustomed to the nuances of the game of football (NFL style) , and the mere fact , that the state has three professional franchises domiciled here . It is hard to imagine where the success will come from , in terms of the Jacksonville Jaguars , Miami Dolphins and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers >/a> . All three teams in 2012 , had distinctly indifferent seasons , and as many of you may well attest to this fact , the trio were amongst some of the worst performing franchises over the course of the year, in so many different aspects of the game . And in terms of the quarterback play exhibited by starters , Blaine Gabbert , Josh Freeman and Ryan Tannehill , I seriously doubt you would have witnessed such mediocre display by the trio over the course of one season. Suffice to say, their respective head coaches , can and should not be pleased by what they saw last year.

Head coaches , Gus Bradley , Greg Schiano and Joe Philbin , all will have their work cut out for them , coming into the off-season , with having to assess their respective playing staffs. And whether or not they will like it , they will come to several decisions that will either satisfy their the fans of those franchises , the Jaguars , Buccaneers and Dolphins , or simply draw their anger . Care to offer up your prognostication, as to how the fans in question may well feel?

For Jaguars’ head coach , Gus Bradley , thankfully, he will not have to put up with the idiocy of knowing or hearing that Jets’ backup quarterback , Tim Tebow , will be traded to the franchise , while looking to supplant Blaine Gabbert from his starting role. Is it not enough that , but for a flew fleeting moments in 2011 , the Heisman Trophy winner , has not shown the NFL fan that his game still has not progressed from beyond what can be best described as a moderately average quarterback ? Yet there seems to be a number of anally retentive individuals within this forum who believe that he is being denied the chance to show his overall skill-set. It should be noted, that playing in the NFL is not a “God given right “or a damn handout, as can be witnessed when one collects a welfare benefit . Yet, this just happens to be what so many fans seem to be calling for , when it comes to Tim Tebow . As affable an individual as he is , as an NFL head coach , would you want him as your starting quarterback in a decisive game , yet alone as a regular season starting quarterback within the NFL ? These are the questions one should be asking and not making asinine statements concerning the player’s alleged stellar abilities !

Jaguars’ GM , David Caldwell , should be commended for not caving into the idiocy of bringing Tebow to his home town , no matter how loud and clear the demands were from the fans . Clearly , as passionate as team owner, Shahid Khan , might just be about the former Florida Gators’ star , even he, must have known , he could not risk the same sort of ridicule that has engulfed the New York Jets’ franchise, while Tebow labored under the weight of expectation , with the sheer comedic volumes and turns that took place with that bereft and lackluster organization over the course of this past season . Suffice to say, Tim Tebow and Mark Sanchez combined , were a “ ringing endorsement “ of what one should come to expect when one someone utters the word “ overrated “ ! Only, an idiot would wish to see a similar fate befall the Jacksonville Jaguars.

The Miami Dolphins for their part , coming off an under-achieving season , borne out of a 7-9 mark within the AFC East , will have a great deal to prove , if they are to viewed as the equal of the New England Patriots , the dominant franchise within the division over the last over the last decade. Joe Philbin , having rode on the shoulders of his rookie quarterback , Ryan Tannehill , can only hope to see marked improvements from the player in his second season . This much we do know, the player could be effective when protected , with the right assortment of weapons to complement his skillset , but with the team being so inconsistent over the course of the season. What many of us witnessed from Tannehill , was a player being asked to do way too much , with too little support , being offered in return .

As to the other on-field issues faced by the Dolphins, by way of the defense and offense . Well, let’s just say Philbin and his coaching staff will need to assess those issues and address them expeditiously .

Now unless , I am mistaken , the Dallas Cowboys , Miami Dolphins and the Green Bay Packers of the NFL, are the only three franchises, where the venues that they are currently domiciled in, and play in, are wholly owned by those respective organizations. All of the other teams in question , their stadiums are either municipally owned or county owned . Dolphins’ owner , billionaire , real estate mogul , Stephen Ross, would like for the city of Miami in conjunction with the Miami Dade County government to pay for the $400 million proposed refurbishment and renovation costs to Sun Life Stadium in Miami , from its conception , known as Joe Robbie Stadium , named after, the franchise’s initial founder and owner. With his eye set, more on hosting Superbowl 50 (SB L) in 2016 , Ross knows that if the work can be completed now , it places the city of Miami in a very advantageous position to beat out possible suitors for the privilege of hosting the NFL’s and North America’s biggest sporting event. Caution here has to be warranted , as there is a great deal of reluctance on Stephen Ross’ part to even pay in part anything towards the cost of the proposed renovations. All of this, from an individual, who, is said to be amongst the 400 wealthiest individuals (ranked #83) —– (net worth $4.4 billion) in the United States. I can only surmise, that NFL , under the auspices of Roger Goodell, the commissioner , will use a great deal of arm twisting and coercing , in order to force for the governmental agencies concerned to “pony up “ the estimated $400 million cost , with the intent of using the staging of the Superbowl as a bargaining chip , rather than have one of his owners merely delve into his pocket or seeking private financing for the proposed project !

Given, the grave financial crisis that both city of Miami and Miami Dade government are now under . I find it somewhat disconcerting , and almost conceited that Ross would deem it fitting that the city and county’s residents should pay for the refurbishment of a venue which he owns outright . Pardon me for saying this, but given the level of ineptitude shown by the city of Miami and their dealings with the MLB hierarchy and the Miami Marlins’ owners , over the financing and building of the Marlins’ ballpark ____ the 34,500 seat venue built at the cost of $575 million using a mix of tax revenues and derivatives’ financing , is now in the midst of a sharp decline in attendance . Meanwhile, the city of Miami finds itself at the center of an investigative probe by the US Justice Department for their actions , in the financing of that venue , with their being allegations of bribery and corruption amongst city officials to ensure a favorable vote . There has to be cause for concern that things will not be totally above-board , as it now relates to the Miami Dolphins and their vested interests. Suffice to say, in a corrupt city such as Miami , just about anything goes , and will happen , just as long , as the money is spread around , to all of the vested parties concerned .

When Josh Freeman was drafted as the seventeenth overall pick in the 2009 NFL Draft , many felt it was something of a capricious and gregarious choice by then , Buccaneers’ head coach , Raheem Morris . In the subsequent years, since being chosen , Freeman has provided the fans with some highs , but more than not , so many lulls, that have descended into a crescendo of sheer ineptitude .

Team GM, Mark Dominik , remains convinced that the player he and Morris tied their masts and futures to , can still get the job done and lead this franchise to success . Raheem Morris’ successor , first year coach , Greg Schiano, after this past season remains thoroughly unconvinced that Josh Freeman can get the job done under any circumstance . Which begs the question, what does the future hold in store, for a player who believes he has all of the tools necessary to be a success , whereas, his coaches simply have bouts of trepidation each time he has been on the field of play during the 2012 season . Plain and simple , in spite of the weapons around him , for much of 2012 , Josh Freeman played some uninspired football , and no amount of excuses from the player , himself , from the head coach , can hide what is blatantly obvious to see. And those are , Freeman’s game and skill-set have deteriorated to such a low , that he cannot be trusted to implement the simplest of plays ! He may well have the steadfast support of his teammates , but in the end, those statements will not go a long way in convincing the head coach of any decision he may well choose to make.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers were once a renowned franchise , built on a stealthy defense with players who were committed to the their art-form . However , in recent years and most certainly under both Raheem Morris and Greg Schiano , those traits were certainly missing . And while injuries may well have played a part in the Buccaneers’ miserable 7-9 season , that solely cannot be used as a primary excuse for the team’s woes during 2012 . Defensive players, such as , Lavonte David , Mason Foster , Mark Barron , Ahmad Black , Quincy Black , Gerald McCoy , Adam Hayward and Luke Stocker, are not names you would now hear being mentioned as preeminent Pro Bowl caliber type defensive players . And given the team’s propensity in recent seasons with their draft policy , it will be interesting to see how Mark Dominik and Greg Schiano address some of the most acute needs of the franchise , as they currently assess them to be.

With the team , now having in excess of $15 million available , in cap space , of which $ 10 million , is a rollover figure from the previous season , it should prove to be interesting, to see what moves will be pursued by the Buccaneers during this off-season. And given Schiano’s wish to have readily available competition at all positions on his depth chart . Could it be, the player most likely to feel pressured , will be his starting quarterback , Josh Freeman ? Your thoughts on this , as it relates to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers ?



Picture gallery.

With the NFL Draft still two months away, and with a number of teams already off-loading players superfluous to their needs in order of not having to meet contractual obligations have to be honored no later than the 31st March, we are now seeing teams scurrying to make avail themselves of all the cap space possible . Where do you see your team or teams making bold enough moves by way of the draft or through free agency ? And how do you believe that both Greg Schiano and Andy Reid will fare during this off-season ? By all means do take time to offer up comment on this and anything else you believe to be pertinent to the subject matter.


Picture and slideshow details below .

(1) One of the more comedic and asinine of moments in recent NFL history that still hasn’t been convincingly explained by either the Superbowl XLVII Organizing Committee or by anyone from within the NFL hierarchy . Fans and members of the Baltimore Ravens and San Francisco 49ers wait for power to return in the Superdome in a Sunday, Feb. 3, 2013, file photo, during an outage in the second half of the NFL Super Bowl XLVII football game, in New Orleans. Officials of Entergy New Orleans say the cause of the Super Bowl blackout was a faulty device called a relay that had been installed to prevent a failure of electric cables leading to the Superdome. They said the device has been removed and replacement equipment will be installed. AP Photo/Charlie Riedel ….

(2) “Eyes on the prize” . Baltimore Ravens president Dick Cass , from left, head coach ,John Harbaugh , general manager and executive vice president Ozzie Newsome and owner , Steve Bisciotti speak alongside the Vince Lombardi Trophy at an NFL football news conference on Thursday, Feb. 7, 2013, in Owings Mills, Md. The Ravens beat the San Francisco 49ers 34-31 in Super Bowl XLVII last Sunday. AP Photo/Patrick Semansky …

(3) New Kansas City Chiefs general manager John Dorsey , left, poses with new head coach Andy Reid during an NFL football news conference announcing Dorsey’s hiring Monday, Jan. 14, 2013, in Kansas City, Mo. AP Photo/Charlie Riedel ….

(4) New Kansas City Chiefs general manager John Dorsey, left, poses with Chiefs’ Chairman & CEO ,Clark Hunt during an NFL football news conference Monday, Jan. 14, 2013, in Kansas City, Mo. AP Photo/Charlie Riedel ….

(5) Denver Broncos wide receiver Eric Decker (87) makes a one-handed catch for a touchdown in front of Kansas City Chiefs defensive back Jalil Brown (30) in the second quarter of an NFL football game , Sunday, Dec. 30, 2012, in Denver. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey …

(6) Matt Cassel (L) and Brady Quinn listen to ID Coach inventor Isaac Daniel at the launch of the Isaac Daniel, ID Coach at the Sheraton Riverwalk on January 31, 2009 in Tampa, Florida. The ID Coach system allows coaches to communicate plays to players without using hand signals or audio transmitters. Play calls are transmitted using a military grade encrypted wireless link from the coaches Personal Remote Terminal (PRT) to the assigned player on the field who receives the play on the ID Coach wristband. An ID system to assist the players ? It sure as hell hasn’t worked for either Cassel or Quinn this past season , has it, as evidenced by the team’s standing within the AFC West and the league as a whole ? Photo by Chris McGrath/Getty Images for EAG Sports Management ….

(7) Billionaire real estate mogul, Stephen Ross , center is seen here with between sisters , Serena (left) and Venus Williams . The two siblings and WTA tennis rivals , are minority stakeholders in Miami Dolphins’ franchise , amongst a slew of A-list celebrities that also include Marc Anthony , Jennifer Lopez, Gloria & Emilio Estefan and actor, Will Smith . Ross is positioning himself and the Dolphins’ franchise to host Superbowl 50 (SB L) in 2016. However , he and the city of Miami and the Miami Dade County government have failed to reach a compromise , as who should pay for the estimated $400 million in upgrades and refurbishment , sought for Sun Life Stadium , home to the Miami Dolphins’ franchise. It should be noted that the venue itself , is owned by Ross , with the only benefits going to the governmental agencies in question, being certain taxes and ancillary fees charged to the franchise for services rendered . The NFL franchise owner , worth an estimated $4.4 billion , Ross is unwilling to pay for any of the costs in question or pay in part , towards the aforementioned sum for the much-needed upgrade. . AP/Photo/ Pat Carter ….

(8) From left to right , Jacksonville Jaguars coach Gus Bradley, general manager Dave Caldwell , owner Shad Khan and president Mark Lamping , from left, flank the NFL football team’s new logo, Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2013, in Jacksonville, Fla. The Jaguars unveiled a new logo and a “Stand United” theme. AP Photo/Florida Times-Union, Bruce Lipsky …

(9) Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Josh Freeman (5) hits the ground after being sacked by the Denver Broncos in the third quarter of an NFL football game , Sunday, Dec. 2, 2012, in Denver. This was simply another game in which the Buccaneers’ quarterback failed to perform up to the standards expected of him by head coach , Greg Schiano and general manager Mark Dominik . It would appear that Freeman’s position as the team’s starting quarterback have been greatly imperiled by his lackluster displays throughout much of the 2012 season for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers . AP Photo/Joe Mahoney ….

(10) Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Josh Freeman (5) throws a pass during the first quarter of an NFL football game against the San Diego Chargers Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012, in Tampa, Fla. AP Photo/Brian Blanco …

(11) Buccaneers’ GM Mark Dominik , left , is seen here with the team’s head coach Greg Schiano at the practice facility (One Buc Place) of the NFL franchise . The two management executives have some considerable deliberations to be made , as to the makeup of the roster going into the off-season , and in light of their issues on the defensive side of the ball where they failed miserably during 2012. There also seems to be an apparent lack of veteran leadership from the senior members on the roster . All of this played into the unremarkable season for franchise in 2012 , where they finished with a 7-9 record within the NFC South . The Tampa Bay Times / Scott Dreeson ……




NFL news news from around the league

NFL news archived stories

NFL Draft 25th to 27th April , 2013 and the NFL Draft order

2012 NFL Draft

NFL free agents

NFL transactions

NFL team salaries and a salary cap of $120.6 million which is likely to increase for the 2013 season .

NFL head coaches and their record

NFL standings 2012-13 by division

NFL standings by conference

NFL regular season schedule and the postseason schedule


Kansas City Chiefs’ news

Tampa Bay Buccaneers’ news



Please take time to participate in the above mentioned polls. Based upon you being an NFL head coach or general manager , how would you go about taking a first round draft pick based upon current needs ?

Author: tophatal ...........

An avid sports' fans that's all !!!!!

50 thoughts on “Stick with it, or move on”

  1. The Baltimore Ravens may well remain the team to beat within the AFC this upcoming season . It is clear that GM Ozzie Newsome will not ” stand pat “ , as can be seen from the franchise’s draft choices made , since he assumed he position of general manager in 2004 .

    With Andy Reid taking over as head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs , inasmuch as I expect them to mount a ” credible challenge” within the AFC West , the division remains the Denver Broncos’ to lose . They are by far in a way , the best team within the division and it is not even close , no matter how you choose to slice and dice it .

    The Chiefs first and foremost will have to address the issue of their pass offense as it relates to Matt Cassel and Brady Quinn , because beyond the money being paid to both quarterbacks , it is has become abundantly clear that neither player is equipped to play the position competently within the NFL . Quarterbacks to come out of USC (Trojans) and Notre Dame to make it in the NFL over the last decade are pretty much reminiscent of the careers of Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan combined . On the face of it , in terms of appearance they look good , but when asked to display their talents , cerebral wise , neither has much going for them ! It’s not that much different with Cassel and Quinn ! Combined their IQ’s might not top out to meet the MENSA average of 100 .

    Stephen Ross , second from the right , is seen here with Roger Goodell , far left , Marc Anthony , Jennifer Lopez , Ross and ESPN SVP , George Bodenheimer .

    I’m sorry , but why should a billionaire owner of an NFL franchise , who also happens to own the stadium his franchise plays in , be looking to the city of Miami and the Miami Dade County Government to pay the $ 400 million needed for upgrades for Sun Life Stadium , in Miami ?

    Stephen Ross , much like the Miami Marlins’ ownership group is simply looking to screw the governmental agencies , much as in the same the MLB hierarchy had done , when it came to the financing ($575 million of taxpayers’ monies) for the new Marlins’ ballpark . The city of Miami and the Miami Dade County government are so corrupt to begin with that it would not surprise me , if both agencies bent over and each willingly took a d$ck in the @ss simply to satisfy a conceited ba$stard such as Stephen Ross !

    Is this meant to be a recruiting tool for NAMBLA (National American Man Boy Love Association) ? Manti Teo’ might want to see if Freeman is willing to have someone take a trip up his Hershey Highway . Freeman might want to rethink how he goes out on the town and then some ! Queer Eye For the Not So Straight Guy.

    Josh Freeman posing as Michael Jackson , boy is his lame a$$ that hard up , as he seeks some form of credibility and recognition in the NFL ? Because it is now becoming abundantly clear that he is not going get the acclaim he is looking for playing the quarterback position in the NFL . The kid simply hasn’t got the prerequisite skillset to even be moderately average . Hence the reason why Greg Schiano will be looking at all of his options when it comes to the Bucs’ needs at the quarterback position .

    Tophatal …………..


    1. I think it makes sense for Kelly to give Vick a shot for less money. This will give Kelly a chance to run his Oregon offense in Philly with a dual threat QB. And he wouldn’t have found anyone in the draft or in free agency who would have brought what Vick brings to the table, so he doesn’t lose much by trying it.

      However, I don’t think Vick can stay healthy enough to run the ball effectively. Unlike the premiere read-option QB in the league now a days, Vick is in the latter stages of his career, and his passing has fallen off from his best season season of 2010. But this will at least give Kelly a stop gap to find a QB who can truly run the offense in the NFL.


      1. Maurice

        No , it makes sense for Kelly to show Vick the door , as the veteran’s best days have passed him by, and they are now a fast fading distant memory ! Why retain a player who’s liable to break down due to ill health or now because of outright speed, he is more likely to take a hit and suffer another concussion ?

        Tophatal ………..


        1. If Vick wouldn’t have taken the pay cut, then I would agree with you. But considering the type of offense that Kelly wants to run, I can see why Kelly would be intrigued by Vick.

          And I think Vick is washed up too, but I don’t see any better options for Kelly at the moment in the Draft or in free agency that brings the type dual threat ability at QB that Kelly wants from his QB than Vick.

          And there’s also a possibility that Nick Foles just might beat Vick out too. He can’t run like Vick, but at this point Foles is clearly the better passer between the two.


            1. Of course Vick can run the offense, the question is how successful can he be running it? The effectiveness of the offense itself has many questions. I’m about to post something shortly discussing these very questions.


  2. I think the Chiefs will take OT Luke Joekel of Texas A&M with the first pick. I like Jarvis Jones out of Georgia, but the Chiefs already have two pro bowlers at OLB in Justin Houston and Tamba Hali, so it’s not a huge need.

    OT Tackle isn’t either for the Chiefs, but I don’t think Geno Smith is number one over all pick material at this time, as I think he’s closer to Ryan Tannehill, who went 8th to the Dolphins from the 2012 draft, than he is to Andrew Luck or Robert Griffin III who were both worthy of being picked number 1.


      1. It’s possible that Geno Smith could blow people away at the combine and in individual workouts, but even if he does, he’s not on the same level of prospect as Andrew Luck and Robert Griffin III were last year. I think he’s closer to Ryan Tannehill than them, which means he’s at best a top ten pick, not first overall.

        And it’s not good to reach on a pick just for need purposes. There are some good QB prospects that will be availible at the top of the second round for the Chiefs, so unless Smith is undeniably the top player in the draft, I wouldn’t take him number one.


        1. Maurice Barksdale

          For me as good as Geno Smith appears to be , I am not buying into the hype at all ! West Virginia (7-6) — ( (Mountaineers) , while being a proud program , I don’t consider them to be a powerhouse of a team , that I can ,look at as a perennial Bowl contender !

          “I’m looking to get paid son” ! Geno Smith thinking to himself .

          Do I consider him (Smith) to be worthy of being a top ten pick in the first round of the NFL Draft ? Maybe , maybe not ! There’s no way to tell , how things will pan out . And as for the likes of ESPN’s Todd McShay , Mel Kiper Jr and Jesse Palmer to offer up their suggestions and prognostications . Well , I’d rather listen to Heidi Klum read me several chapters , from the E L James’ trilogy ‘ 50 Shades of Grey , ‘ 50 Shades Darker’ and ‘ 50 Shades More ‘ ! I’m ol’ school , just gimme the meat , and I can work the rest out for myself !

          Kiper and his dumb a$s , still hasn’t been able to live down his claims , as to how good, both , JaMarcus Russell and Akili Smith were going to be , when they declared their eligibility and came out in the draft ! Need I say anymore on the matter ?

          Tophatal …………..


          1. JaMarcus Russell had number one overall physical talent. People with that kind of arm strength dontt come along very often. But considering how much they paid him, it probably wasn’t worth the risk.

            But with the rookie pay scale in place now, the Chiefs could miss on Geno Smith and it would only cost them a fraction of what the Raiders paid Russell.

            Sometimes even the best talent evaulator can’t tell the difference between a real diamond and fugazy. I knew in my bones that Aaron Rodgers was a better prospect that Alex Smith. But some of the best evaluators in the NFL missed on that one.


    1. I’ve yet to be convinced that Tannehill will be a great quarterback in the NFL ! Granted this was his baptism of fire in the league (NFL) , with a totally uncompetitive Dolphins’ team that lacks creativity and leadership on both sides of the ball . Much of that comes down to the sheer inexperience of the roster , the naivete’ of the players and coaching staff , led by head coach Joe Philbin .

      Rookie QB’s drafted in 2012 and their stats

      Tophatal ………….


      1. I agree with your point on Tannehill, but I think the same can be said of Geno Smith. RGIII and Luck were about sure as sure things can be at the top of the draft last season, so the picks were no brainers. The same can’t be said for any QB in this years draft. The second round is where the value is.


        1. Maurice

          Tannehill will have to play catchup after the tremendous seasons had by Luck , RGIII and Russell Wilson !

          The Eagles’ offense as good as it is somewhat perceived to be on paper , even with Foles or Vick at the helm , there’s no way that they will be able to contend with the rest of the NFC , much less the NFL as a whole ! They’re simply not that good enough ! Plainly put , overrated !

          What do you make of the story concerning the a Dolphins and Ross’ …. #83 on the Forbes’ 400 wealthiest US citizens) non wish to pay for the upgrades to a stadium that he owns outright ? That is utter bull$hit , and it’s something that will be countenanced by Roger Goodell and the NFL hierarchy , as they seek screw the city of Miami and the Miami Dade County Government .

          Tophatal ………..


          1. As for Stephen Ross, even billionaires can be stingy with money. It may not seem politically correct, but there’s no harm in them asking for government funds. The city of Miami could and should say no.


            1. Both governmental agencies are in the midst of their own self-made budgetary crisis , with their combined deficits being close to $1. 3 billion . They have been laying off first responders , police officers , school teachers and other ancillary staff at whim . And Ross now wants both agencies to aid him , in this endeavor when he could simply obtain the financing with a reputable financial organization on Wall St .

              Consider also , the city of Miami still remains under investigation by the US Justice Department as to possible collusion and bribes being accepted in the voting approval , for the financing of the Miami Marlins’ Ballpark , a 34, 500 seated venue built with taxpayers’ monies that will place the city’s residents on the hook for the entire $575 million cost of the venue .

              Far too often , politicians at the local and state level, are too frigging dumb for their own good and they’re just as corrupt as their contemporaries at the federal level !

              Tophatal ……….


  3. 😉

    Fitzgerald in full flight .

    One player who deserves a great deal better than he has received , must be Larry Fitzgerald of the Arizona Cardinals . Last season he had to swim in a vat of fecal matter , as Kevin Kolb , John Skelton and Ryan Lindley simply stank up the goddamn joint !

    Fitzgerald is not far off from where Megatron just happens to be , his misfortune is that he (Fitzgerald) has a trio of mediocre quarterbacks throwing him the ball.

    Rec yard active , single season and career .

    Tophatal ………..


      1. Maurice Barksdale

        The Cardinals are in a sorry position ! Defensively they are poor and as an offense they still leave a great deal to be desired because of the exceedingly poor <b quarterback play of Ryan Lindley , Kevin Kolb and John Skelton . All three players are well compensated but by return they have offered nothing to the franchise at all .

        Larry Fitzgerald has served this franchise well . Yet what, has the front office done to assist the player over the course of his career other than having Kurt Warner play at his very best while a Cardinals’ player beyond his years within the St Louis Rams ?

        Tophatal ………


        1. The probably should have drafted a QB with a high draft pick a few seasons ago when they had the chance. But they opted to trade for Kolb, who at the time seemed like an up and coming starter when he was with the Eagles, but it just didn’t pan out for them.

          John Skelton showed some potential as a rookie, but his development has stalled. However, Bruce Arians is a QB guru, and he may be able to get something out of those guys until they can find a franchise QB long term.


            1. I think the Cardinals will draft a rookie QB. They can’t afford to have another veteran come in and flop like Kevin Kolb did. And a rookie QB will be cheaper than Alex Smith will be, as Smith will probably have a few other suitors for the Cardinals to have to out bid.


              1. Maurice

                I don’t think that the new front office regime of the Cardinals are liable to make that sort of mistake . Besides I believe that Alex Smith is a far better option than either Kolb , Skelton or Lindley . Smith has postseason experience from 2011 , and he’s not one to turn the ball over like the Cardinals’ triumvirate of current quarterbacks .

                However , at the end of the day , it all comes down to being in the right environment with the right coach . Wouldn’t you agree ?

                Tophatal ……..


                1. I’m not sure Alex Smith will want to stay in the NFC West. Not unless he thinks he can exact revenge on the 49ers for replacing him in the lineup twice a year, which is unlikely.

                  The NFC West is loaded with the 49ers and Seahawks. He may be better off going to the Jets, Bills, or Chiefs. Teams in weaker divisions where he stands a better chance of winning and establishing himself as “the” starter.


          1. Maurice Barksdale

            In your honest opinion was there ever a game or string of games that Kevin Kolb did enough to convince you he was good enough to be a starting quarterback in the NFL ? I certainly don’t believe he’s good enough ! So what convinced the Cardinals do you believe, to make such an absurd decision when he had no proven track record and they still offered him that ludicrously exorbitant contract ?

            Tophatal …………..


            1. The Cardinals were desperate for a QB. I never liked Kevin Kolb coming out college from Houston. He put up big number in college, but he just never jumped out at me. The thing about the Eagles is that Andy Reid got production from just about any one he played at QB for the Eagles.

              AJ Feeley looked good for them for a stretch of games in relief of McNabb years back, and the Eagles got a second round pick from the Dolphins for him, and he proceeded to be a bust in Miami.

              So it’s happened before, it’ll happen again.


      2. I can’t understand the Eagles’ front office and their wanderlust for Michael Vick ! Over past two years his performances have been pedantic and nowhere near impressive . It were as if team owner Jeff Lurie , GM Howie Roseman and Chip Kelly were blinded by their own sheer stupidity . They’ve signed Vick to a one year deal at a reduced salary , but at the end of the day it will all have been for nothing !

        Eagles payroll , annual salary and their cap hit .

        Tophatal …..


        1. Chip Kelly has no NFL coaching experience, not even as position coach. So his learning curve will be steep regardless of how prolific his offense is. He has a lot to learn. I wouldn’t have re-signed Vick either, but putting myself in Chip Kelly’s shoes, I can understand why he did. I’m not saying it’s the right decision.


          1. Maurice

            Chip Kelly
            may not have the NFL coaching experience , but that’s where he ought to be consulting with his assistants , a number of whom do have some NFL experience . He most certainly I hope would have sought some input from the front office of the Eagles led by Howie Roseman . However , Roseman to my mind, is not the brightest of NFL front office executives !

            He could have cut Michael Vick , and perhaps wait until 1st April , as teams have until 3.00 PM EST on the 31st March to divest themselves of players who’ll be a detriment to their cap . And with the slew of free agent quarterbacks that will come to the market , you can’t tell me that the Eagles could not have picked up one on the cheap who would prove to be more productive than Vick was said to be in 2012 ?


            A lil’ bit of Kate Upton never hurt anyone wouldn’t you agree ? She needs some of the ” black meat ” ….. my black meat !

            Tophatal ………….


            1. Those assistant coaches are mere yes men to Chip Kelly right now. Most of them are probably just happy to have a job. They won’t go against Kelly if Mike Vick is truly what he wants. They’ll do everyting in their power to try and make it work for Kelly, becasue ultimately it’s his decision. Most college coaches strugglein their transition to the NFL. Jim Harbaough is the exception but he played in NFL for many years and understood the nuances of the game.

              Kelly has a sharp mind for offensive football, but coaching in the NFL is about more than just great offense. It’s about being a CEO and managing people properly, strategizing a course of action, and psychological motivation. We’ll see if Kelly can master those things or not.

              And as I’ve said before. Kate Upton is a phenom.


              1. If three games into the start of next season the Eagles are off to a 1-2 start , what do you think that the fans in Philly will be doing , given their predilection and propensity towards rioting ? They’ll probably want to burn LP Financial Field , as well as effigies of Michael Vick . Agree or disagree ?


                Man her ” melons” look great and boy I would love to suck on ’em both !

                If Kate Upton were a dominatrix , I would willingly submit to being sexually debauched by her ! And then I’d ask for more ! LOL,LOL !!!

                Tophatal ………………


                1. Eagles fans should prepare for a bumpy ride at first. The Redskins, Giants, and Cowboys are all better teams, and Kelly is going to have to learn the NFL. So I wouldn’t expect a winning season if I’m an Eagles fan. The playoffs should be a pleasant surprise, not an expectation for Eagles fans.


                  1. Just as long as someone is pumping the brakes at the appropriate moments , then everyone should be safe . If the Redskins can improve their secondary , and the Giants , simply get over the fact that an NFL schedule doesn’t start in the second half of the season . Then , I believe that the NFC East can and will be competitive again . But, in now way is it (NFC East) the best division in all of football .

                    My ranking of the teams within the NFC East purely based on what I believe are winning traits , leadership , balance and ability !

                    1) Washington Redskins
                    2) New York Giants
                    3) Philadelphia Eagles
                    4) The woefully inept Dallas Cowboys .

                    Someone should remind Jerry Jones that the hiring of Monte Kiffin as the defensive coordinator , is akin to waking up Noah and asking him to to build you an ark , because you’re about to take a trip to Southeast Asia , during a Tsunami . Monte Kiffin , while assisted his son , Lane Kiffin at USC (Trojans) , the Trojans were u> never ranked inside the top 25 , in terms of team defense within NCAA FBS over his entire three year tenure there .

                    Tophatal ………….


  4. Hey Alan…it’s me, Steven! I’ve been doing some different things here on WordPress, apparently like you have. I like the new look! First, you know I don’t think Vick was a good re-sign for Philly. But at least this way, they have him there for whatever he may contribute, and paying him less for doing it.

    I also think Fitxgerald should have left the Cards a couple of years ago. He’s wasting his time in Arizona…Visit me at my “new place” soon!


    1. The Sports Central

      Glad to know you”re back and ready to knock it out of the ballpark once again ! Change was needed, so I decided on this new format , and I think it works well in terms of the format and for style of the content.

      The re-signing of Michael Vick indicates to me that this is more of the same idiocy we have seen in the latter stages of Reid’s career with the Philadelphia Eagles . Chip Kelly to my mind has started off on the wrong foot , and it may well prove to be his own undoing. I can’t wait to see what the Eagles’ schedule will be . By my way of thinking they are the third best team within the division behind the Washington Redskins and New York Giants with the Dallas Cowboys on the bottom rung of the divisional ladder !

      The Arizona Cardinals have been an utter mess since the departure of Kurt Warner from the franchise , as he sought retirement and undoubtedly future enshrinement into the Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio .

      Fitzgerald could have left , and he would have been snapped up any one of the other 31 teams within the NFL . Other than Andre Johnson , Wes Welker and Calvin “Megatron” Johnson , there is simply no other wide receiver with as great a threat in the NFL . It is his contract and how it is structured that would prove difficult for a team to have picked him up , or with the Cardinals seeking to cut him a mere two or three years into that deal .

      The Cowboys under Tony Romo will be nothing more than an amenable regular season team . And it’s time that their fans and the idiotic NFL analysts simply realize that fact , rather than repeatedly making the same dumb prognostications as to why the Dallas Cowboys should be season a prohibitive favorite each season for the Superbowl . , Dallas hasn’t been relevant in the postseason in several years , and their last playoff appearance (2009) indicated how mediocre a franchise they have now become .

      Tophatal …………..


  5. This is a make or break year for Freeman. Look for the Bucs to bring in a quarterback to challenge for the starting spot. Cornerback should be a priority for a team that was so dismal against the pass.
    Speaking of the pass they also need someone to step up in the pass rushing department. Also, there will be some good tight ends available on draft day. Other than those needs I think the Bucs have a good yet still very young core of players. Cheers!


    1. aero

      The Bucs have a great deal of money under the cap ($11 million) . The deficiencies on the team as you have so rightly said , just happens to be on both sides of the ball .

      Personally , I believe it’s now time for Schiano to call Freeman out and give the kid an ultimatum …….. “straigten up or get the hell out of Dodge ” !

      Over the past two seasons Josh Freeman has become bewildering , so damn inconsistent and the constant excuses have now become blase` and simply idiotic . If he’s not holding himself accountable then who will ? And let’s not forget the so called veterans on this team , does Ronde Barber possess a backbone or will his dumb ass , simply want to come across as a nice guy ? There is not one iota of leadership on this Bucs’ roster . Anyone who believes that there is , simply doesn’t know what the hell they’re looking at by way of a team ! The Bucs’ record (7-9) this past season reflects exactly what and who they are , and that is an moderately average team at best .

      Whatever the Bucs’ intent might just be when it comes to the draft , they have to do something concerning defense and offense . With regard to Freeman and the quarterback position , there will be several free agents (quarterbacks) along with a number players that are likely to be cut by their respective teams by no later than the 31st March , 20123 at 3:00 PM EST . Amongst the possible likely cuts will be Carson Palmer , Alex Smith and Jason Campbell .

      As good as Freeman’s QB’ rating might just happen to be in 2012 , what concerns me were his stats as relates to yds per attempt , completion percentage and interceptions !

      Buccaneers’ payroll , yearly salary , their cap hit and impending free agents .

      Highest paid quarterbacks and their cap hit .

      Tophatal ………


  6. Let’s see what happens with Vick and the offense. Reid was never a run first guy. The Bums offense was predictable. Yet, the guys will always be schmucks. This is the life of an Eagles fan. Reid should have been fired in 2011. Vick taking a cut is a good thing, he can show case his talents if it doesn’t work out. Foles and Vick are not the answer in the long run. This years college QB class is not that good. It sucks! The Eagles need to address the O line first. This always has been a problem. Without the cats up front you can forget about it.


    1. Bobby Gee

      The Eagles’ recent run of draft picks seem to offense driven and they did little to address their woes on defense in terms of last season (2011) and the players taken then . . A pay cut for Vick while commendable , there’s no way in hell that in future he’s deserving of a long-term of contract that pays anywhere close to six figures , cumulatively . Michal Vick was never in the class of Brady, Brees , Manning (Peyton) or Aaron Rodgers for that matter ! Yet there have been anally retentive analysts drooling and salivating over him like he were a centerfold spread from Playboy magazine .


      Kim K

      Tophatal ……….


  7. Maurice Barksdale

    Playoffs ? What playoffs ? First the Eagles haven’t got a championship caliber team and . second , when was the last time you saw Nnamdi Asomugha tackle much less cover anyone successfully in the Eagles’ secondary ? Is he scared of his own shadow ? More to the point what does he have in common with Michael Jackson’s son , Blanket ? Not a goddamn thing , just thought I’d throw that in . for no apparent reason !

    “I am what I am ” ! Nnamdi Asomugha

    I’m not saying Nnamdi is soft but a roll of Charmin might be not be softer than the Eagles’ cornerback .

    Hell I’ll call it like I see it ! Asomugha is softer than Kate Upton’s cleavage .

    Tophatal ……………..


  8. Maurice Barksdale

    You know what would be good at the NFL Combine is not to have the likes of Mel Kiper , Kirk Herbstriet or Jesse Palmer there ! Three of the least intelligent individuals , when it comes to proffering up really insightful analysis ! Not far behind is that prick , Merrill Hoge !

    Furthermore the players’ intellect to some extent will be tested with the Wonderlic Test , and a score under 20 , has to be considered a real clue and a warning sign , if nothing else !

    The Combine really indicates nothing ! It’s like a beauty pageant without the costume and a catwalk for bulked up , college football players . God forbid , that they start to ask really insightful questions of the players .

    A question that might be posed to Tyrann Mathieu . ” Tyrann Mathieu what would you like to see happen in the world ” ?

    ” Me , I all about the “weed” , sex, and checkin’ out strip joints with my homeys ” !

    “Honey Badger “ wants to get paid/ and to get laid , but in which order, as it relates to an NFL career ? I don’t know that amongst the corner-backs declaring for the Draft he’ll be amongst the top ten taken , especially when you take into account his college history and the litany of on and off the field issues .

    I’m sorry , but you can’t turn chicken $hit into chicken liver ! And that is what is Mathieu did, by turning himself from former rather than being the latter .

    Corner-backs taken in the NFL Draft and their overall career stats .

    If Mathieu straightens himself out could he end up having a really special career and becoming a member of the Hall of Fame ? Who knows ?

    Top earning (salary) cornerbacks in the NFL

    Tophatal …


  9. Here’s how and their Draft Tracker grades the top corner-backs that are likely to be taken , as deemed to be among the best crop of players at the position in this upcoming draft .


    Milliner, Dee CB 6’1″ 199 Alabama 93.2
    Rhodes, Xavier CB 6’1″ 215 Florida St. 86.2
    Banks, Johnthan CB 6’2″ 185 Mississippi St. 84.4
    Trufant, Desmond CB 6’0″ 185 Washington 84.1
    Alford, Robert CB 6’0″ 185 Southeast Louisiana 81.0
    McFadden, Leon CB 5’10” 185 San Diego St. 80.7
    Taylor, Jamar CB 5’11” 195 Boise St. 79.5
    Wreh-Wilson, Blidi CB 6’2″ 190 Connecticut 77.2
    Amerson, David CB 6’3″ 194 N.C. State 74.4
    Webb, B.W. CB 5’11” 180 William & Mary 74.0
    Poyer, Jordan CB 6’0″ 190 Oregon St. 74.0
    Mathieu, Tyrann CB 5’9″ 175 LSU 73.0
    Slay, Darius CB 6’1″ 190 Mississippi St. 71.0
    Davis, Will CB 6’0″ 186 Utah St. 71.0
    Simon, Tharold CB 6’3″ 193 LSU 70.0
    Hawthorne, Terry CB 6’0″ 190 Illinois 69.0

    To review the details further , merely click on the link provided .



  10. The 31st March will be the deadline for teams to get rid of their unrestricted free agents or re-sign them . And so there have been some major “surprises in terms of cuts . The Packers have cut Charles Woodson , a veteran of seven years with the franchise and he’s former NFL Defensive Player of the Year .

    Woodson in comparison to the other cornerbacks within the NFL this past season .

    NFL transactions and over the past week

    Tophatal ……..


  11. Al…

    I think the Bucs are going to be active again this off-season. They were last year so there’s no reason not to believe they won’t do the same.
    They need to tinker just a little more on both sides of the ball but there’s no reason to believe this team shouldn’t at least contend for a playoff spot next year.
    Of course, we still won’t be able to watch them on TV.


    1. Chris Humpherys

      The Tampa Bay Buccaneers find themselves in a bad situation as they need to address their secondary as well as the offense . Corner-back , defensive lineman , defensive tackle , On the offense , wide receiver and their most pressing need is a competent quarterback , be it through free agency or the draft . If it’s through the NFL Draft , then hopefully , it’s someone with a proven pedigree and not some like Freeman whose numbers in college were deceptive and were in no way an indicator in now telling us how inconsistent he would be with the Buccaneers .

      Buccaneers transactions

      Tophatal …….


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