This Ain’t No Ordinary Rodeo …………

This Ain’t No Ordinary Rodeo …………

The San Antonio Spurs (42-8) are no doubt having a terrific season and they’re winning at an unprecedented rate although they’re viewed as being under the radar. All the hype has simply been about the Boston Celtics , Miami Heat and the defending NBA champions the Los Angeles Lakers . Now for some reason the league saw fit to schedule 14 of the Spurs’ next nineteen games on the road as the team’s home venue is being used to host a rodeo.


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Slide show for your perusal.

On the face of it that hasn’t really stopped the Spurs as players such as Tony Parker , Manu Ginobli , Tiago Splitter , Richard Jefferson have stepped up to the plate. Aging veteran and four time —- NBA champion —– Tim Duncan still is capable of playing at a high level when called upon but being the cerebral player we’ve all known him to be for Duncan once the postseason comes around that’s when we’ll look to see him raise his game to the next level.

Coach Gregg Popovich and his coaching staff have to be greatly appreciative of what they’re now seeing from the team and in particular from the younger players on the roster. DeJuan Blair is proving that he’s got the game to be potent within the league and his defense has vastly improved. Certainly many around the league have woken up to the fact that these aren’t the same old Spurs who’d wilt when pressed and it’s to Popovich’s credit that he’s simply nurtured this team and then at the same time seen the veteran leadership of Duncan and Antonio McDyess come to the fore . Both of these solid veterans are deeply respected by their teammates have seen if the duo can rise to the occasion then they too can simply do the same.

Though as an avid fan of the team and with the season having reached its beyond its halfway point I like what I’m seeing from the San Antonio Spurs at present and hopefully it bodes well for the rest of their season .

The NBA All Star Game is now but a week away where the event will be staged at the Staples Center and hosted by the Los Angeles Lakers. NBA Commissioner David Stern no doubt will view this as a way of gauging the game’s intrinsic value at a time when the league hierarchy has a number of economic problems . The league’s teams are on track to lose in excess of $500 million this season if Stern’s projected figures are to be believed. And to top it all the league is still in the midst of ongoing labor talks with the NBPA . NBPA Executive Director Billy Hunter and the union’s representatives led by NBPA President Derek Fisher have been reticent in the fact that they’re not prepared accede and make any concessions that they believe will be to their disadvantage. And with the union having de-certified as a way of taking that first step of challenging the league’s antitrust exemption in the Federal Court system should things fall apart during the negotiating process it gives you a clear picture as to how far apart both sides are in the process.

It’d be asinine to see the NBA have an enforced lockout and labor stoppage . The players say that they don’t want this scenario evolve into a major conflict between the two sides. And from a fan standpoint the image of the league in particular , this doesn’t bode well for what David Stern and the game’s corporate partners had envisaged for the game. Twenty five years in as the game’s highest ranked official and Stern has led the organization to untold riches but at the same time his autocratic rule has been bemoaned by many in and outside of the game. Albeit that team owners around the NBA have to appreciative for what Stern has done for the game from a financial standpoint. In the twenty five years of David Stern’s tenure as NBA Commissioner they’ve seen their franchises appreciate in value and to the point where their revenues have more than quadrupled over that period of time. The branding of the NBA product represents a $4.5 billion to $6 billion ($4,500,000,000-$6,000,000,000) a year industry for all parties concerned. And it’s easy to understand why the owners are thankful to Stern and the business acumen he’s shown over the years.

The NBA much like the NFL can’t afford to be viewed as the villain of the piece as both seek union and labor stability within their respective sports. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has been saying all the right things but he’s nearer in avoiding an unwanted lockout . But he simply knows that with hour glass petering and the sand emptying as the March 3rd deadline inches ever closer he has to have an agreement in place with the NFLPA Executive Committee before the March deadline. If that’s not available to him then look for the NFL owners to lock the gates and all hell break loose.

From afar I’m wondering what both the NBA and NFL think that they can achieve from all of this ! I find it somewhat ridiculous that the executives within both organizations and the respective unions could have simply thought that the untold riches that they’ve been in receipt of wasn’t ever going to decline ! But here again lies the fact that much like the present administration , Congress and Senate their thinking has been short term rather than long term when it comes to a business and economic template. How else can you simply explain the economic mess that the country is now in apart from the rather asinine behavior also shown by idiots on Wall St and within the boardrooms of major corporations across the nation ? And not unlike those entities we’re now hearing and seeing the excuses come about as they now try to explain many of the problems they now have within their midst. The NBA , NFL and US government has become >one big joke as they seek to absolve themselves of the problems which in large part much of it they created with their rather irrational and irresponsible behavior !


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What thoughts if any do you have on the San Antonio Spurs’ season ? And also chime in with your own thoughts as the NBA and NFL’s ongoing labor dispute .

Picture and slide show details .

(1) Sacramento Kings guard Tyreke Evans , second from left, tries to the protect the ball from San Antonio Spurs’ Manu Ginobili, of Argentina, left, Tim Duncan, third from left, and Tony Parker, right, during the first quarter of an NBA basketball game in Sacramento, Calif., Friday, Feb. 4, 2011. AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli ……….

(2) San Antonio Spurs guard Manu Ginobili, of Argentina, right, gets treatment for a cut in his mouth from Spurs trainer Will Sevening , during the second half against the Sacramento Kings in a NBA basketball game in Sacramento, Calif., Friday, Feb. 4, 2011. The Spurs beat the Kings 113-100 . AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli ………..

(3) San Antonio Spurs head coach Greg Popovich was called for a technical foul for arguing with official Marat Kogut , unseen, during the second half against the Sacramento Kings in a NBA basketball game in Sacramento, Calif., Friday, Feb. 4, 2011. The Spurs beat the Kings 113-100. AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli …..

(4) San Antonio Spurs forward DeJuan Blair, right, comes up with a loose ball against Sacramento Kings center DeMarcus Cousins during the third quarter of an NBA basketball game in Sacramento, Calif., Friday, Feb. 4, 2011. The Spurs beat the Kings 113-100. AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli …..

(5) San Antonio Spurs guard Tony Parker, right, of France, drives to the basket against Sacramento Kings guard Tyreke Evans, left, during the first quarter of an NBA basketball in Sacramento, Calif., Friday, Feb. 4, 2011. AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli ……..

(6) Head coach Phil Jackson (left) of the Los Angeles Lakers receives his championship ring from NBA Commissioner David Stern before the season opening game against the Los Angeles Clippers at Staples Center on October 27, 2009 in Los Angeles. Getty Images/ Kevork Djansezjian …..

NBA News

NBA Standings Conference ……… Division

NFL News

Alan aka tophatal ……………………..


San Antonio Spurs ….

Spurs’ roster

Team Stats …

San Antonio Spurs’ 2010-11 schedule

Coaching Staff ……. led by Gregg Popovich

Team owner Peter Holt

General Manager R C Buford

San Antonio Spurs’ history

San Antonio Spurs’ news



Summer Walker

Eye candy ……………….. Summer Walker . Hell yeah !

Summer Walker 2

Isn’t she the most interesting season of the year ? Summer Walker !


Mint Condition ………….. “Breakin’ My Heart” (Pretty Brown Eyes)


Author: tophatal ...........

An avid sports' fans that's all !!!!!

17 thoughts on “This Ain’t No Ordinary Rodeo …………”

  1. Freedarko had a great line about the Spurs dynasty in their latest book.

    They write the Spurs “achieved their success not by expanding what was possible but by limiting everyone else’s attempts to do so.”


    1. I’d probably agree with that quote. It wasn’t like they were spectacular in every way. In fact, the NBA had its lowest ratings while they were in the Finals.

      In other words, I’m glad you took the time to read that book because I’m sure as hell not going to.



    2. Chris Humpherys

      If as such that was the case then what does it say about the teams around at the time ? It’s not a matter ’bout getting the best talent available but the right talent that’s conducive to a common goal and then striving to achieve that. That’s what R C Buford and Popovich have done throughout this era for the Spurs .

      There’s not a lot of organizations that you can say that about within the NBA at this present juncture !

      tophatal …………..


    1. Ravenation LLC

      At the level they’re presently playing at and with this being in essence something of a younger roster I still think that they can make it beyond the conference finals and win the NBA title . Guys like Hill , Blair and Splitter have all contributed to the team’s success and you’ve got to admit outside of Jackson , ‘Pop’ is the best damn coach in the NBA ?

      The City are good but their postseason experience isn’t all that great and neither is that of their coach ………. Scott Brooks or the coaching staff . And that’s ultimately were games can be won and loss by the decisions made by the coaching staff and not just by the players on the court. And that’s not something that I’ve even thought you considered before you made your comment !

      Like others you’re simply going after style over substance ! Wake up smell the coffee ?

      Or is it that you need something like this to wake you out of your complacency ?

      tophatal …………..


  2. Thanks so much for this wonderful internet site;this will probably be the words that keeps me awake via out the day. I’ve been looking around for this website after asked to visit them from a colleague and was thrilled when I found it after searching for a while. Becoming a demanding blogger, I’m happy to see other people taking initivative and contributing towards the neighborhood. I just desired to remark to point out my approval for your post as it is extremely appleaing, and numerous writers don’t get authorization they deserve. I’m certain I’ll go to again and will deliver some of my pals.


  3. The Spurs have been great this year, I just wonder if they need an injury or two to happen to get it out of the way. I’d be scared if it gets close to the playoffs and nobody really gets hurt, it all evens out eventually…


    1. chappy81

      This season the Spurs have been ablaze but this more unlike recent seasons (2009-10) they’re healthy and they have real depth and offensive weaponry on their bench . And that’s what some people seem to be missing. Kids like Splitter , Blair and Hill have all contributed to this effort and it’s a credit to Pop’ that they’ve been able to maintain their overall mindset and play the way that they have .

      Buford R C

      Spurs’ GM R C Buford perhaps the least well known of the top tiered GM’s in the NBA .

      Needless to say that’s not to discount the efforts of the Big Three as they each know the role that they have to play in order for the team to succeed. Pop and R C Buford (GM) know how assess and nurture talent that it comes to the fore and that’s a rarity this day in the NBA when it’s all about the primadonna athlete’s image more than anything else !

      tophatal ………..


  4. Chris Humpherys

    The only thing that Darko has going for him is that he gets to nail some real nice tail ! Because his game stinks almost as bad a used feminine hygiene pad that once belonged to Snookie of ‘The Jersey Shore’ ! Snookie likes to “smush” while Darko can’t smash or dunk or whatever it is that he’s now meant to be doing on a damn basketball court !

    tophatal ……………………


  5. In all honesty, if the NBA locked it’s doors tomorrow, I couldn’t care less. In my mind, the NBA became a minor league about 15 years ago, and it has yet to re-elevate itself. Rather, talk of a lockout suggests to me as an enterprise they are ready to regress once again.

    As far as the NFL is concerned, in the big picture all I see is a bunch of guys getting ready to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.


    1. JW

      If sh_t were brains you’d be hard pressed to find anymore inside of the NFL head office , NFLPA (union) Sterns’ —– office and that of the NPBA (union) ! They’re all a bunch of greedy bastards from top to bottom !

      Katie Price aka Jordan

      At least if there’s a work stoppage in both sports I can get back to viewing some English strumpet !

      tophatal ……….


  6. Took me awhile to read all the comments, but I really enjoyed the article. It proved to be very useful to me and I am sure to all the commenters here! It’s always nice when you can not only be informed, but also engaged! I’m sure you had fun writing this article


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